
Tone Generator:The Tone Generator is a handheld, battery powered instrument designed to perform a variety of tests on unenergized telephone lines or LAN cables.


Tone Generator:

The Tone Generator is a handheld, battery powered instrument designed to perform a variety of tests on unenergized telephone lines or LAN cables. Alligator clips and a standard RJ11 plug allow the tone generator to be connected to stripped wires, terminal panels, wall plates, or modular single line jacks.


  • Generates Warbled Tone with selectable test frequencies
  • LED indicates continuity when in CONTINUITY mode
  • LED indicates positive polarity when in POLARITY mode
  • Provides talk current on a dead line
  • Check line Polarity

Cable Tracer:

The Line Tracer is a hand held inductive tracer that will help to identify wires without piercing the insulation. It can trace Tone Generator signals through dry wall, wood and many other non metal surfaces.


  • Hi gain, Hi impedance amplifier
  • Capable of identifying tones up to 12 inches away (under ideal conditions)
  • Rugged, moisture resistant, Mylar cone speaker

The BK262 has been discontinued. There is no BK recommended replacement but if you require assistance finding a suitable replacement please contact us.

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