Metrix Electronics Ltd electronic instrumentation specialists

July 2024 update:  Summer 1 week closure / Metrix has moved

Metrix will be closed for 1 week for vacation in August and we thank all our customers for their patience during this time.

We will close at 5pm on Thursday 8th August then reopen on Monday 19th August.

We hope you will bear with us as we catch-up on emails and messages on our return.

Happily,  we will be able to accept deliveries from our suppliers as normal throughout our closure thanks to our friends on BizSpace reception.

Since 14th August 2023 Metrix has a new office on Basing View in the heart of Basingstoke.

See our Contact Us page for full new address.

Four day working

During COVID we moved to a 4 day week and we believe there are benefits for all Metrix Electronics people from us keeping the 4 day working week pattern – although we are not formally participating in the 4 Day Week Global Pilot Program

Thank you to all our customers and suppliers for your flexibility and understanding – we will continue this pattern of working in 2024.

About Metrix Electronics

Our Hampshire Technical Team provides friendly, local support and advice to industry, laboratory and education customers.

Drop us an email with your instrumentation or displays query to: – we’re here to help.

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01256 885940

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Considering application needs, Simex have adapted some of their industrial meters to 12V ( more

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Christmas TV
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Customer Testimonials

A 1.2m LED bargraph display unit from Metrix Electronics UK's Migra/Migan Microsyst range is in use at a steel mill. The unit provides distance readable indication of the level of molten steel in a vessel for at-a-glance monitoring by workers in this safety-critical environment. An integral heater was included inside the IP65 aluminium case to cope with temperature swings in the mill building.

The customer's brief: "...a large 500-1000mm tall bar graph with numeric display for use in a steel mill on the cast floor.  It will be exposed to very dirty environment with seasonal temperature swings from -7 to +35ºC. " The customer's verdict: "Thank you very much.  I will tell you that we are trying to promote your bargraph as an option for our measurement system.  I hope we can sell a lot of them."
Metrix boosts steel safety 

Another successful installation of Metrix bargraph displays has been made by an energy generation customer. OC2001-57 500mm bargraphs were chosen by EDF Energy for Sizewell B nuclear power station.

Steven Wootten—Sizewell B Systems Health Engineer—said, "We required a new electronic level indicator on the live steam drains tank at Sizewell B which was visible to the operator up close and from a distance. In addition to this we required the indicator to be able to show the level set points for a range of different running regimes. Metrix Electronics comprehensive range of bargraph indicators was ideally suited to the task. The drains tank level can now be viewed from the operating hall floor at a glance and anyone can see if a set point is approaching. This modification has made a significant improvement to the operators when returning the plant to service and has simplified the return to service of the steam drainage system coming out of a turbine outage".
Metrix Goes Nuclear