Portable Test
Since 1999, Metrix Electronics Ltd has been supplying portable test and measurement gear to suit industrial, factory, laboratory and education applications – from our Hampshire, UK offices.
Drop us an email with your testing query to: [email protected] – we’re here to help.
Accessories and Probes (9)
Bench Power Supplies (45)
Calibration Service (3)
Calibrators and Decades (10)
Clamp Multimeters (10)
Component and Battery Test (3)
Data Recorders High Speed (24)
Electronic Loads (18)
Environmental Testers (6)
Frequency Counters (4)
Installation Testers (17)
LCR Capacitance and Component (2)
Multimeters (24)
Oscilloscopes (7)
PAT Appliance Safety Testers (3)
RF and TV Signal Generators (1)
Spectrum Analysers (1)
TV Field Strength Meters (21)
Waveform Generators (20)