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Simex ProSens Line

Here at Metrix we are pleased to announce we are listing the new ProSens Line from Simex.

ProSens is a new line of modern industrial instruments, which integrates sensors, converters, meters and controllers functionalities. Using the latest miniaturisation technologies these compact instruments are able to be equipped with two independent universal inputs, two binary or two analogue outputs, as well as communication port RS-485 with Modbus protocol.

High quality ProSens line industrial instruments with integrated or cable temperature and relative humidity sensor or without sensor. Wide operating temperature range (-30 ÷ +120°C), mathematical functions (e.g. to calculate dew point, sum or difference of two measured values), two independent universal inputs, two binary or two analogue outputs, as well as communication port RS-485 with Modbus protocol.

Check out the full range on our website – click here.

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The Sefram Optical Input for TV meters 7872, 7875 and 7876

Optical Input is now available for TV Meters Sefram 7872, 7875 and 7876.

This new factory option allows you to,

  • measure optical power measurement on 3 bands
  • convert the optical signal (from optical LNB or from FTH cable) to an RF signal that can be measured and decoded by the TV Meter
  • convert the auxiliary 5GHz RF input into a signal within the TV meters band

Already have a Sefram 7872, 7875 or 7876? That’s ok, this option can be retrofit (with a factory return).

Check out the full listing of Sefram TV Meters in our shop.