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SRD-99 Data Recorder RTD and TC sensor compatible

Metrix along with our partners Simex are pleased to announce the new MultiLog data recorder on sale from January 2018!

The process of controlling industrial processes is not based solely on control systems, but also on comprehensive recording and controlling of the course of such processes, as required for any subsequent verification of their correctness. The new MultiLog SRD-99X device is designed to record and display current values as well as to present technological parameters in the form of graphs. The device is equipped with up to eight universal inputs: temperature (RTD + TC) or analogue (mA + V), which enables connecting different types of sensors to one device, one pulse (digital) input for controlling the recording process; 2 electronic relays with max. load 24V AC (35V DC) 200 mA and one USB Host port (front or rear) for a USB flash memory. White or amber colour LCD backlight available. In addition, for outdoor type applications, an option with an extended operating temperature range is also available (-20°C ÷ +50°C).

Metrix Electronics has been working with Simex of Poland since 2008  – let us help you to a SRD-99 based solution for your data recording needs and make 2018 a “fully recorded” New Year!

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Smart set of Outdoor LED Displays from RGB Technology

outdoor led display

Metrix Electronics is very pleased to announce the listing of a new range of high quality, outdoor LED displays ideal for industrial use, from RGB Technology.

From our partners, RGB in Poland, comes the high quality UPWT range for Universal Industrial Text Display.

Boasting 5 different LED colour possibilities, power supply options 110-230VAC as well as 12VDC and 24VDC and LAN and serial port interfaces these really are the LED displays to satisfy all industrial text display needs.

Click here to view the full list of industrial displays from RGB Technologies available from Metrix Electronics.

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Dazzling New Bargraph with PT-100 Sensor

Metrix with our partner Orbit Controls are very pleased to announce the latest in their line of programmable bargraphs.

After much success with the OCB201 and OCB301 programmable bargraphs for process signals, Orbit Controls are now introducing the same winning bargraph with PT-100 temperature sensor.

OCB201 and OCB301 are programmable bargraphs with 20 or 30 Bar Segments.

The OCB-201-PT and OCB301-PT versions are designed for panel mount for connection to Pt-100 temperature sensor with two or four terminals and permit visualizing of the temperature process. The three colours can be free distributed across the entire bar length. The intensity of the bar can be set between 20% and 100% to permit visibility under different lighting conditions.

The temperature range will be factory calibrated in accordance with the customer requirement and can be selected from -20ºC to +850ºC.

The parameters are entered by using three keys behind the front lens. The menu contains assigning of the input signal to the bar length, selection of the bar colours and settings of two Set Point Relays.

OCB301-Pt permits setting of two Set Points SP1 and SP2 with Relays 5A-230VAC, SPST.

The Bargraphs are supplied from 18-36VDC and can be used for horizontal or vertical mount. Also the reading direction from left to right or down to up can be selected.

Specification Example

(Please contact us to request a quote specific to your requirements or request a quote via our website product listing)

OCB301 Programmable Bargraph

Dimensions: 96 x 24 mm
IP Rating: IP40
Bar length (mm): 75
Format:  Horizontal
Input:  Pt100 2-wire
Scale markings:  0…100
Caption:  °C
Relays:  2 Set Point Relays
Auxiliary Power Supply:  18…30V AC/DC

Click here to request a quote specific to your requirements



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Simex ProSens Line

Here at Metrix we are pleased to announce we are listing the new ProSens Line from Simex.

ProSens is a new line of modern industrial instruments, which integrates sensors, converters, meters and controllers functionalities. Using the latest miniaturisation technologies these compact instruments are able to be equipped with two independent universal inputs, two binary or two analogue outputs, as well as communication port RS-485 with Modbus protocol.

High quality ProSens line industrial instruments with integrated or cable temperature and relative humidity sensor or without sensor. Wide operating temperature range (-30 ÷ +120°C), mathematical functions (e.g. to calculate dew point, sum or difference of two measured values), two independent universal inputs, two binary or two analogue outputs, as well as communication port RS-485 with Modbus protocol.

Check out the full range on our website – click here.

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The Sefram Optical Input for TV meters 7872, 7875 and 7876

Optical Input is now available for TV Meters Sefram 7872, 7875 and 7876.

This new factory option allows you to,

  • measure optical power measurement on 3 bands
  • convert the optical signal (from optical LNB or from FTH cable) to an RF signal that can be measured and decoded by the TV Meter
  • convert the auxiliary 5GHz RF input into a signal within the TV meters band

Already have a Sefram 7872, 7875 or 7876? That’s ok, this option can be retrofit (with a factory return).

Check out the full listing of Sefram TV Meters in our shop.

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The Simex Multicon CMC-99 and CMC-141 for affordable distributed plant control

When automation is required in an industrial environment, turn to Simex’s excellent CMC 99 with 3.5 inch touchscreen.

Together with its bigger brother the CMC-141, these versatile DIN size panel-mount units are:

meters, controllers with PID, dataloggers, HMI, SCADA-like networkable AND they’ll email you  – with good or bad news depending how you have programmed them.

Click here for full details – and don’t miss out on the Simex video featuring Bob.

Metrix Electronics has been working with Simex of Poland since 2008  – let us help you to a CMC 99-based solution for your next measurement and control project.

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New Product Notice – BA6010 Series Battery Analyzers

As official UK partner of B&K Precision for over 15 years, Metrix Electronics Ltd is delighted to offer our customers a series of new battery analyzers ideal for evaluating modern battery technologies during the manufacturing process, incoming inspection and throughout the battery life cycle.

The series features two models, BA6010 and BA6011, which measure battery voltage and internal resistance with high accuracy, resolution, and speed. Model BA6011 supports voltage measurements of battery packs up to 300 V whereas the BA6010 features a 6 V measurement range ideal for battery cell testing. Both models are equipped with an intuitive front panel featuring navigation keys, numerical and function keypads, a USB host port, a 4-terminal input connection and a large 4.3 inch color LCD that displays primary and auxiliary measurement parameters.

Additionally, a number of built-in functions give users added flexibility. For example, a comparator function evaluates measurements against a user specified upper and lower limit for pass/fail (Go/No Go) style testing. A trace function samples and plots the battery primary and secondary measurement readings over a specified time. Also included with both models are RS232 and USB (USBTMC and virtual COM) interfaces for data logging and remote control, a handler interface and an external BNC trigger input to facilitate production automation.

The BA6010 Series is suitable for characterizing battery chemistries including lead acid, lithium and alkaline type batteries used in consumer products, electric vehicles, power backup, security, and alarm systems. Furthermore, these models are reliable, cost-effective solutions.

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BK Precision Announce Battery Test Software Updates

As official UK partner of B&K Precision for over 15 years, Metrix Electronics Ltd is delighted to offer our psu and load customers a helping hand with their battery test work.

The BK Precision Battery Test software, which supports BK9200 and BK9115 Series DC power supplies as well as the BK8600 Series DC Electronic loads, provides a computer-controlled charging and discharging system for a wide range of commonly used batteries. Additionally, the software offers sequencing of charge and discharge cycles, graphing, and data logging functionality.

This free software is very popular with customers and today we are pleased to announce this new release version 1.1.2 includes three new user requested features.

File Append Option
Adds new test data to the end of the last file without overwriting the previous data.

Calculates and displays the wattage realtime. Watts data can also be used for stop conditions.

Pulse Mode 
This is an experimental mode that makes it easy to set transitions in the electronic load. One application is evaluation of small battery packs used in portable devices. The software helps to simulate sleeping and wake states for battery life studies.




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Short leadtimes for Medium Voltage current transformers by MBS of Germany

CTS24M32-T narrow CT 24kV

Metrix with our partner GMW is proud to offer Medium Voltage current transformers up to 36kV from the famous MBS range.

GMW realized most of the companies that they acquired as new clients in Germany had endured massive problems with

  • long delivery times of their previous suppliers and consequently problems with meeting project deadlines.
  • lack of support in customer service guiding and advising on the perfect technical solution.
  • finding reliable partners that can assist the project process through a supplementary product range of electrical measurement appliances as well as low-voltage products.

Consequently GMW had an enormous increase in medium voltage transformers sales as it is able to meet exactly these demands.

The number one reason being the fact that GMW-MBS is the fastest producer and supplier of medium- voltage transformers in Germany
(delivery time for medium voltage transformers approximately 4 weeks/ industry standard 8-12 weeks).

Moreover GMW’s client friendly reputation based on individual technical service and international expertise helps it in building trust to new customers in the field of medium voltage transformers.  And Metrix now brings this support and trust to UK customers specifying Medium Voltage current transformers.

The comprehensive GMW range of panel instrumentation, low voltage CT’s and shunt helps it to support with related, compatible products if needed.

Click here for more details.

We hope you will let Metrix help you with your next Medium Voltage current transformer project – email [email protected]

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Freedom from the power socket with Sefram’s new App-enabled portable multichannel data recorder

DAS240 data recorder wireless App working

DAS240 multi-channel recorder

The new Sefram DAS240  data recorder has been designed to measure industrial process parameters: voltage measurements, measurements on sensors (0-10V), temperature measurements (thermocouples, Pt100-1000), current measurements (with optional shunt), resistance measurements, pulse counter, frequency.
And to do it autonomously thanks to its onboard power source – and wireless connection to dedicated Apps on your mobile device.

Ideal for factory, marine and laboratory measurements, the DAS240 can be relocated around your system to do the job of several conventional data recorders.
Click here for detailed product information:

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Metrix supports Thrive

Metrix Electronics is pleased to have adopted Thrive as our
company charity.

Thrive is a national charity which enables those living with
a disability or mental ill health transform their lives through gardening.

Thrive uses horticultural therapy to bring about profound
transformations in the lives of disabled people. It champions the benefits of
gardening, carries out research, trains professionals and offers practical
solutions to that anyone with a disability can enjoy gardening.

Thrive is based at Beech Hill, Reading – just 5 miles from
Metrix – and at Battersea, London.

For more information about Thrive, contact PR and
Communications Manager Alyson Chorley on 0118 988 5688 or visit the website

Thrive is registered charity number 277570.